Boston Frostin' HQ has moved!

cambridge >> boston

I have a confession. Boston Frostin' was founded in Cambridge, MA and was based there up until a few weeks ago. As of July 1st, BF HQ is officially in Boston! While this side biz was not the actual reason for the move, I no longer feel like an imposter and am thrilled to be an official Bostonian.

We left our old, charming, sprawling Cambridgeport apartment for a small, beautiful, newly renovated North End apartment and could not be more excited about it.

Quick pros and cons as they relate to BF: 


New appliances: goodbye temperamental Cambridge oven that only allowed me to bake one dozen at a time, hellooo brand spankin' new North End convection oven! Just tested baking two dozen at once and it worked phenomenally. 

Central air: lack of central air in Cambridge led to lack of summer baking, hence last summer's hiatus. Trust me, you do not want to see me when my frosting isn't cooperating and is melting off the cupcake instead of forming a beautifully shaped pile and staying put. Now, the 95 degree heat and humidity can't stop me from Frostin'! Also just confirmed.

Exposed brick: I think you get this one. I see some great backdrops for cupcake scenes in the near future...

Location: Besides officially being based on Boston, I'm also closer to all you city dwellers with cupcake needs! 


Storage: in Cambridge, we had an insanely huge walk-in pantry that was half-filled with only baking supplies. In the North End, the space is tight and there is not a single communal closet! That means storing cupcake supplies above the cabinets, under my bed and really wherever I can fit them. Sorry roomies! 

official kickoff 

To officially welcome BF HQ to its new Italian home, I baked some Italian Cream Cupcakes.

Admittedly, I don't have a drop of Italian blood in me and didn't even know this was a thing but OH MY GOD are they good. Coconut, pecans, cream cheese frosting and a cherry on top - yum. I used a recipe from Cooking Classy (thank you Sarah for the Italian cupcake research) and am really happy with the result! 

Buon appetito!